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Laser correction of gums

Red aesthetics – contouring the gum lines – this is one of the most important elements of the smile aesthetics.

The condition the gum is in influences the colour and shape of the teeth. In many cases it is enough to correct the gum line, to gain the aesthetic effect we want.

The Exceldent Dental Clinic in Szczecin deals with the improvement of the white-red aesthetics (teeth-gum) in the case that there is a too much gum covering the teeth and shown during wide smiling (so called gummy smile, gingival smile) or in cases where there is not enough gum or even loss of it (single and multiple gum recessions, exposed and sensitive root necks). Exceldent (Dental Clinic in Szczecin) performs reconstructive procedures as well as corrective procedures of the gum line.

Thanks to the usage of the surgical laser SmartM PRO from Lasotronix, which is especially effective in removal or early vascular lesions, frenulum cutting of lips and gingiva, deepening and vestibule, removal of overgrown gingiva and preparation of the oral cavity for prosthodontic appliances – the procedures are bloodless, the wounds heal without complications. Procedures offered by the Dental Clinic in Szczecin, performed with this laser are bloodless and painless, additionally the very thin optical fiber allows to reach places, which would be difficult to reach with conventional methods.

It is worth to remember that when we want to perform gum correction with the laser, we should choose a proven clinic has had a lot of success in the given field.

Without a doubt, Exceldent is Your Dental Clinic in Szczecin!

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