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We guarantee that all our services are performed most carefully, according to the latest methods of treatment with the use of the newest materials and technology.

For our work at Exceldent Dental Clinic and SPA we give a guarantee of:

Implantologic treatment:

  • implat of implants – 5-10 years,
  • prosthodontic dentures on implants – 2 years,
  • In the case of lack of supplementation of missing teeth the guarantee is shortened to 6 months

Prosthodontic treatment:

Complete dentures:

  • we give a maximum guarantee of 2 years,
  • in the case of lacking lower denture or missing of single teeth the doctor only gives a guarantee of 3-6 months
  • after supplementing all missing teeth the doctor can extend the guarantee period to 2 years.

Endoskeletal denture:

  • we give a maximum guarantee of 2 years,
  • all conditions as above and:
  • if at the time of receiving the denture the patient has all teeth supplemented, it is necessary to come in for a control visit, at which the dentist can extend the guarantee period to 2 year under the condition that the patient still has all teeth supplemented.

Porcelain reconstructions:

  • we give a maximum guarantee of 5 years,
  • if apart from the reconstructions which the doctor makes the patient has other missing teeth, we only give a guarantee for a period of 6 months
  • if the patient supplements all the missing teeth within 6 months we can extend the guarantee provided that the patients undergoes recall visits every 12 months,
  • if the patient does not supplement the missing teeth within 6 months the guarantee will not be extended.

Root-crown cores (posts):

  • we give a maximum guarantee of 1 year,
  • jeśli w czasie oddawania wkładu pacjent ma braki zębowe, lekarz nie może udzielić gwarancji (pacjent podejmuje się leczenia na własne ryzyko!).
  • if at the time of receiving the denture the patient has missing teeth, the doctor can not give any guarantee (the patient undergoes the treatment at his own risk)


  • dajemy gwarancję na maksimum 2 lata, jednak jej udzielenie uwarunkowane jest stanem pozostałych zębów, które powinny być wyleczone.
  • we give a maximum guarantee of 2 years, however the guaranteed is conditioned on the state of the remaining teeth, which should be cured.

No guarantee is given for the following damages:

  • unsatisfactionary oral hygiene,
  • failure to comply with the doctor’s instructions regarding handling of the restorations,
  • failure to undergo recall visits,
  • unfortunate accidents / mechanical injuries
  • natural bone loss and periodontal changes,
  • presence of disease having a negative impact on the masticatory system (eg. Diabetes, osteoporosis, epilepsy, states after treatment of chemo- and radiotherapy)
  • correction made outside of the Exceldent Dental Clinic and Dental SPA
  • fracture of teeth crowns in between visits for teeth undergoing treatment

In the event of the arise of any defects or problems resulting from dental treatment the patient is obliged to immediately report to the doctor no later than two weeks after the onset of the problem.

The conditions to keep the guarantee:

  • hygienisation visits (removal of calculus and plaque) along with controls (with your dentist) every 6 months,
  • keeping the oral cavity hygiene according to the recommendations of the hygienist of doctor, given during the hygienisation visit,
  • immediate realization of procedures recommended by the doctor during recall visits.
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